When I see people suffering with pain, bloating, and low energy, I think: “OMG, people have no idea how great they can feel.” I’ve always been concerned with nutrition, exercise, and being healthy. I found myself in a chronic cycle of deprivation or bingeing along with abusing my body with chronic cardio workouts. I completed many marathons; believing carb loading before and after my training runs was best practice. All this time spent overtraining and fueling my body with carbs only left me feeling depleted and a victim of gastrointestinal distress while running.

At 51, I had an automobile accident which left me unable to workout and in a lot of pain. This led to feelings of depression; and, my anxiety skyrocketed. In the past, I had been able to manage my anxiety through exercise. Running had been my stress burner for decades. I had been seeing an acupuncturist for accident related pain and inflammation. Prior to my accident, I had seen her for overtraining issues (usually inflammation). She had mentioned the primal lifestyle to me many times. Finally, I began to research this topic. The science of lower carb eating and the history of how our ancestors lived made so much sense to me. In March 2020 (at my highest non-pregnant weight of my life), I decided to give the primal lifestyle a try. The decision to go primal was one of the best I have ever made. The primal lifestyle has changed my life dramatically. In addition to relief from pain and inflammation, I lost weight and body fat. I feel passionately compelled to share this knowledge with others.

Pre-Primal: 175.8 pounds/37.8% body fat

Primal: 132.6 pounds/17.4% body fat

One year Primal...I am feeling like a "fat burning beast!"